Covid-19 Safety Measures

Covid 19 Measures: ABF Protecting your safety

During these difficult and challenging times, our priority is to preserve the well-being of our clients and staff. We want to reassure you that we are following government guidelines to make certain you have a safe and productive experience when attending our premises.

We are currently open with social distancing and hygiene measures in place to protect our clients and our staff.


Face Coverings

It is compulsory for clients and staff to wear a face mask when attending the charity unless you are exempt.


Effective Social Distancing

To protect our clients and staff, we will be managing the number of people that attend our premises throughout the day. To assist us with this, where possible, please contact us to make an appointment before your visit.

Make a conscious effort to avoid visiting our premises during busy times of the day. We may ask you to wait if we feel our office is congested.

Strict social distancing measures will be supported with markings to maintain the 2-metre distant rule.


Hand Hygiene

Had sanitisers will be available at our premises for your protection. We encourage you to use them before entering our offices and when leaving. We also ask that you wash your hands when you arrive home.


Hygiene Standards

Our premises are cleaned regularly, and we sanitise touchable surfaces, including door handles.


Further Measures

Perspex screens will be used where appropriate for added protection.

Please avoid touching your face as this may reduce the spread of the disease.

Our staff will wash their hands with soap and water as often as possible and on occasions may wear gloves.

Whenever possible, we will conduct transactions online.